and television personality Joey Mead
king gets a surprise luxury car from her spouse Angelina King; a Mustang!
Image Angelina King on Youtube
Image Angelina King on Youtube
On the video blog (Hail to the Queen)
that Angie King uploaded last July 17, 2017, a description she wrote, “Finally after a year in the making I get
to unveil Angelina to my lovely wife! Thank you to Fusion Luxury Motors for all
the love! Number 7 in the build of the official Elenor series. Nothing but ❤(Love)”
Image Angelina King on Youtube
Image Angelina King on Youtube
It can be recalled that last years Angelina King made headlines when she came
out who really she is. Her transition to express more about herself garners much
love and support from her family and friends, especially from Joey Mead King.
Watch Angelina King's full video here:
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